2 yıl - çevirmek

The PCR Test are Required on Day 02 & Day 08 of Travel | NX Healthcare

It is highly recommended to perform PCR testing on Day 02 and Day 08 if you arrive from an Amber list country. Those traveling from or returning from a country on the Amber list can reduce quarantine urgency from ten days if PCR testing is negative. NX Healthcare is providing the highest quality, most reliable, and most affordable Day 2 & Day 8 testing for UK arrivals. They are offering testing for all Amber list countries. They provide Covid-19 test kits for free. Get the next-day Covid test delivered to your home. Feel free to call us for Covid PCR swab test kits at 020 8168 7100! For more information, visit our website! https://www.nxhealthcare.co.uk/