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Mango Smoothie Recipe with Ingredients | FreshnJuice
Are you in the mood for something delicious and easy? If you need a snack that won't take long to make, then why not try a Mango Smoothie? This sweet, juicy smoothie is both tasty and full of essential nutrients. Here's what you need: 1 cup chopped ripe mango, ½ cup low-fat milk, ½ cup ice, ¼ cup plain low-fat yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of honey. To make it, simply put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and frothy. Just add more ice to make your smoothie nice and thick. Enjoy your freshly made Mango Smoothie!
Visit our Website for more recipes : https://freshnjuice.com/blogs/....juicy-recipes/mango-