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11 Beautiful German Words You Need In Your Life
German is not an exception. Every language, like every culture, can be stereotyped. Many jokes are made about the language. They all revolve around one theme: German sounds violent, even when using the most beautiful German terms and describing delicate concepts!
Improve your language skills by having meaningful conversations! German Language Course is more than just a course. It's a community that empowers its members to speak any other language. This is a great way to practice your German. You can learn beautiful words as well as the harder ones.
1. Zeitgeist
The German language is so wonderful that English speakers had to translate it into their own tongue! It is a word that describes the spirit of a particular era. This word is beautiful because it can explain something in a single word, when normally you would have to use an entire sentence. This is one of our favourite cool German words.
2. Fernweh
It is the opposite to homesickness. Instead, it is a feeling of wanting to visit a new place. This is perfect when you're looking to try something new and get away.
3. Wanderlust
Wanderlust is also used in English. The English word Wanderlust is similar to the German "Fernweh" but slightly different. It refers to a desire to see new places, travel and not settle in one place.
4. Zweisamkeit
This word is not only beautiful, it also expresses the feeling of closeness that exists between two people. The opposite of "Einsamkeit" is loneliness. This is one of the most adorable German words you can use to describe someone that you care about or love deeply.
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5. Luftkuss
The act of blowing a kiss in the air is called "Ein Luftkuss".
6. Freudentranen
When we cry tears of joy, we call it this noun!
7. Fruhlingsgefuhle
This word is used to describe the excitement of a nice Spring day, when the sun comes out, and the trees turn green. The flowers also begin to bloom.
8. Verzehren
This is an extremely funny and versatile German word. This word can be used to describe eating or it can mean you want someone so badly you would eat them.

9. Filigran
You can call something filigran if it is delicate and dainty. A ballerina can dance "filigran" on the stage. A bird can fly filigran if it moves its wings slowly.

10. Augenblick
It is a very short time; it's like a blink. It is translated literally to English as 'eyeblink'.

11. Geborgenheit
This word has been voted as the second-most beautiful in German and is difficult to translate. This is a strong feeling that artists often experience, especially when they are experiencing intense emotions, like returning home after a long absence or holding someone close. It means to live and feel in the present moment.
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