Wealth Management
Achieve your financial goals by investing in customised portfolios of Mutual Funds, Bonds & P2P investments based on your risk appetite.
Wealth management sometimes sounds boring to the extent that it is the last thing on most people’s minds. However, it is something that should begin as soon as your first salary hits the bank.
Let us help you understand in more detail.
What entails wealth management?
Wealth management involves making the best use of your money in order to achieve financial freedom.
Ok, but what do you mean by financial freedom?
Financial freedom is when you don’t depend on your monthly pay cheques. Putting it differently, you have enough investments to live off for the rest of your life.
Sounds awesome, but can it really be done or is it just another jargon?
Of course it can be achieved. Wealth management requires sound planning, backed by data and research. That’s where we come in. We are a team of Chartered accountants (CAs), Chartered financial analysts (CFAs) and MBA (finance) graduates with decades of investment research experience behind us.
What all products will you be advising on?
We generally use a combination of the following products for wealth management. You may click on each product to understand about them in more detail.
Website:- https://growthvine.in/