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Black Walnut and Wormwood Benefits
Black walnut and wormwood plants are two different plants. These two belong to absolutely different families with different characters. But still, a deadly combination of two different plants leads to something useful. Black Walnut and Wormwood Benefits.

Black walnut also calledJuglans nigraand wormwood also calledArtemisia absinthium.The family of black walnut is Juglandaceae and the family to which wormwood belongs to Asteraceae. They are absolutely opposite in character. Black walnut is a tree and wormwood is a plant. Black walnut is used mainly for industrial purposes while wormwood is mainly used for medicinal purposes. Yet both have few similarities in uses. Both are anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and anti-cancerous. The main part of the black walnut used is fruit. The fruit has a kernel and a dry hard outer. The main part of the wormwood used is the stem and leaves.

Black Walnut
Black walnut also known asJuglans nigrais a native North American plant. It has been used since ancient times. Earlier it was used in gun stocks, furniture, flooring, paddles, and coffins. It also serves importance in today’s modern medication. It is used in anti-bacterial, cancer treatment. Skin diseases treatment like eczema, psoriasis, and warts. Its constituents have the ability to reduce the growth of cells, thus used in the treatment of tumors and early-stage cancer.

Wormwood also known asArtemisia absinthiumis a native North African European plant. It has historical importance. The wormwood has been mentioned in many historical texts like Egyptian documents revealing its medicinal value. Many Greek philosophers have mentioned wormwood like Pythagoras in their texts. In the Holy Book of the Bible, the wormwood has coincided with the prophecy of a falling star. The famous novel of Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet has brought up the medicinal use of wormwood by using it to clean the wound of Juliet.

Along with historical significance, the plant also has commercial and medicinal values. In today’s modern medicinal world wormwood is the source of absinthe, the strongest anti-malarial drug. It is used as an anti-inflammatory, pain killer, and anti-cancerous. It has also to used to treat stomach issues since ancient times.