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Kebe-Corp Offers the Best Workplace Wellness Program

Today as employees work beyond extended hours and share a meal between the meetings it becomes the responsibility of the employers to look into the health and wellness of their employees. Irrespective of the size of your business Kebe-Corp offers the best workplace wellness program strategies for success of a modern workplace.

Team at KeBe works with a goal “Our goal is to elevate workplaces to achieve curating caring, connected, and supported environments for your employees. Our philosophy of kindness radically transforms all types of working environments to become more innovative, collaborative, and inclusive.”

KeBe offers a bespoke portfolio of resources and services that are tailored to the unique needs of your workplace. Wellness at workplace is a significant factor. It is found that employers that assist employees at the different stages are rewarded with working environment that’s happier, thus increasing their company’s ROI.

Evidently as the success of your company is heavily reliant on the performance of your employees, so it’s imperative for them to be in good mental and physical shape to perform their roles to the fullest.

‍ KeBe resources and services that can be a good fit for those who:

Are experiencing burnout, high employee turnover, or low-morale
Are aware of inclusion and belonging challenges in their workplace
Would like to prioritize employee well-being, engagement, and happiness in the next stages of their company
Need support in enabling streamlined, practical solutions to rehabilitate their corporate culture
Need options that generate measurable change in their workplace

One of the popular workplace wellness program at KeBe is LAKE - Learned Acts of Kindness for Everyone. It is an evidence-informed SAAS solution that drives corporate culture improvements. LAKE is an innovative Human Resources technology solution that empowers staff members to collaborate on developing a positive, inclusive, supportive, and empathetic workplace culture. The customizable and data-driven application increases employee engagement by encouraging consistent kind actions that reflect personal impact goals and the organizations overall strategic and social responsibility objectives.

‍For wellness at workplace KeBe has created The Kindness Chronicles where they acknowledge the challenges and barriers that can hinder kindness in the workplace. It explores common workplace scenarios where kindness may be overlooked or undervalued, such as high-stress situations, conflicts, or in competitive environments. By addressing these challenges head-on, it provides readers with guidance on how to navigate difficult situations while maintaining a kind and compassionate approach.

About KeBe:

Kebe was started in 2019 after our Founder had a battle with cancer and experienced the challenges returning to work. The experience brought to light the difficulties that organizations face in creating positive workplace culture. Kebe Corp. helps organizations weather the toughest storms by creating interconnected, caring workplaces.

For more information about Workplace Engagement Canada and visit here: https://kebe-corp.ca/

Embrace Kindness, Empower People, Elevate Workplaces

Embrace Kindness, Empower People, Elevate Workplaces

At KeBe Corp, we support and elevate workplaces to cultivate a caring, connected, and supported environment for their employees.