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1. Gamification Story That Delivers a Buzz
Everyone loves a story especially the ones that capture their imagination and that have a hero they can relate with. The Gamification template needs to have an engaging storyline that learners can visualize themselves being a part of it. It can range from a mountain expedition to a millionaire quiz game. You will always get feedback on what your learners like the best. The impact of gamification is felt most in a hallway when employees talk about it.

2.Gamification Elements Drives Engagement with Employees of Every Generation
It is fun and it holds learners’ attention due to its game-like structure. Most of the new generation employees have been around games for a good part of their childhood- gamification is more ideal for them. It allows them to be connected with the content. Engagement in the form of various game mechanics (points, badges, levels, etc.) makes the entire learning experience enriching. Also, it allows autonomy on the part of a learner to move forward and chart his own path.

3. Gamification Can Be Applied to All Kinds of Organization Training
Customer Service, Sales Training, Technical Training, New Hire Training, Leadership Training, etc. Gamification is applied successfully to all kinds of training needs.

4. Gamification Builds the Consistency of the Brand of Your Training
One gamification theme can be tweaked to any number of variations that can enable you to tell different stories and deliver training consistent with the overarching theme — Creating a reinforcement of your brand of training internally.

5. Gamification Elements Drive Employee Motivation
Achievement of points, badges by a learner as a testament to his progress provides encouragement and motivation to do better, and more importantly, the leaderboard motivates employees to perform better when they know their name and reputation will be ranked with others for all to see. This in itself is the strongest motivator for high performance.

6. Gamification Provides Instant Feedback to Learners
With gamified courses, you offer instant feedback to your learners on their understanding of the course content. For example, imagine a learner facing a challenging question in a gamified course. In order to advance to the next level, he must answer it without fail because it teaches him a specific skill that will be useful in the upcoming levels. In such cases, feedback is given on why the answer is correct, or why it isn’t. What’s more, you allow them to promptly improve on those topics or concepts that they have trouble understanding without having to go over a topic again and again.

7. Gamification Mechanics Can Deliver Customized Learning Experience
Gamified modules can adapt to each player’s individual skill level. Gaming mechanics like different levels and achievements can be created depending upon a player’s skill levels and business gamification can follow suit. The most common form of leveling is Novice — Experienced — Expert — Master. If one of your employees is particularly ill-trained on a chosen topic, they may start at the lowest level (novice) and work their way up (Master). If they are well-versed on the subject, however, they may begin at a more intermediate level. Such a strategy provides a customized learning experience responding to individual learning needs, all of this can be configured in Gamification benefits with ease.

8. Gamification Provides a Virtual Environment for Learning Skills
When employees can practice skills and behavior in a serious game and make mistakes, their learning curve won’t impact the overall business.

9. Scalable Simulations
All learning facilitators know that during the classroom training the most impactful learning time for a participant is during the role-play session. While it may be difficult to oversee role-play for every participant and provide feedback, simulations make it easy and automated for every learner in a fraction of a time.

10. Simulation Improves Decision-Making Skills
Gamification requires players to make frequent, important decisions. Humans learn best through trial and error. Even mistakes made are beneficial when the players learn from them and correct their form. In the business world, it is best to have your employees make their mistakes in this manner so they do not make them in reality.

Learn more about it — Gamification Book by Learntech.