Rani Jarkas - Cedrus Investments - Life Sciences
Rani Jarkas, the Chairman of Cedrus Investments, is an
investment veteran in life sciences around the globe. Cedrus has
over a decade of experience in investing in the healthcare sector
world-wide. Cedrus’ Life Sciences Advisory Board and employees
are comprised of world-renowned experts affiliated with major
top tier Cancer Centers and universities, as well as other leading
medical schools and world-class biopharmacompanies. To know
more watch this video!
Rani Jarkas - Cedrus Investments - Innovative Technologies
Cedrus Investments and its chairman Mr. Rani Jarkas is a
worldwide leader in the innovative technologies’ investment
arena, offering investors superior intelligence and investment
products so that they can participate in and benefit from the
expected rapid growth of exciting emerging technologies. To
know more watch this video!