How to Create Custom Raffle Tickets for Your Next Fundraiser
Custom raffle tickets are a tried-and-true fundraising method that can bring in lots of cash for your organization. Whether you are hosting an event, conducting a school fundraiser, or helping out at a local charity drive, raffles are a fun way to increase donations and reward attendees for their support.
You can create raffle tickets in a variety of ways, including manually, with online software, through printable templates, or with ticket printing services. The best approach depends on your resources, event needs, and overall goals for the raffle.
Raffle tickets include a unique number that corresponds to a chance to win a prize. The winning numbers are drawn at a predetermined time during the event. When a participant's ticket is called, they must present the ticket to claim the prize. This helps ensure that participants are able to verify the legitimacy of their ticket and prevents fraud. Raffle tickets also include information about the organization that is holding the drawing, such as contact details, the date and location of the drawing, and any age restrictions.
A great way to brand your event is to use customized tickets that reflect the style and theme of your fundraiser. Using a free template and quality raffle printer paper, you can design a unique ticket that will make your event memorable for attendees.
Choose a high-quality cardstock that is thicker than regular paper, since it will need to hold up to tearing each half of the ticket apart as well as the activity during your event. You may also want to add a laminate or UV coating for additional protection and durability.
Depending on the size of your event, you might be able to sell tickets at different price levels. If you are selling tickets at a higher price level, be sure to promote the prize as well so people will be more willing to spend more money on their ticket.
Make it easy for participants to purchase their tickets by providing them with convenient payment methods. Accepting online payments is an efficient way to process ticket sales, and it can help you reach a wider audience. Use a secure website and encryption to protect your data from hackers.
To attract more sponsors and boost your event's attendance rate, consider a dual-ticket option. Unlike traditional tickets that require an attendee to write their name on the back, dual-ticket options let attendees keep one for themselves and give the other to someone else to enter the raffle. You can also place multiple signs around your venue displaying sponsor logos, messages, or special offers for attendees.
Partner with local businesses to sell raffle tickets in exchange for advertising or promotional support. Local businesses often welcome the opportunity to advertise at a popular community event, and they are more likely to be receptive to your offer of discounted tickets. This partnership strategy can significantly increase your ticket sales and raise more funds for your cause.