Perdona Nuestros Pecados is a Chilean historical fiction television series that aired from March 2017 to August 2018. The series was produced and broadcast by Mega, a popular Chilean television network,
y among viewers due to its engaging storyline, strong performances, and intricate production design.
Set in the fictional town of Villa Ruiseñor in the 1950s, the series follows the lives of the influential Errázuriz family, their associates, and the townspeople. The patriarch of the Errázuriz family, Armando, is a ruthless businessman who dominates the town's wealthy elite, while his son, Elías, is a playboy who spends his days drinking and womanizing.
The series explores a range of themes, including family conflict, love, betrayal, and social inequality, and the attempts of the Errázuriz family to maintain their power and wealth. As the story unfolds, dark secrets of the family's past begin to emerge, leading to a web of lies, deceit, and revenge that threatens to destroy the family and the entire town.