Solar panel system victoria: JC Solar and Electrical is bringing homeowners a simple, affordable way to power their homes with the sun and to get control back of their energy.
Our passion is to help Australians become more energy independent. After a tumultuous 10 years of constant power company price increases, black-outs and coal-fired power plant failures, we’re seeing more Australians searching for a better solution. Recent statistics from the Clean Energy Council tell us people are paying nearly $1500 a year on their energy bills because electricity prices are so high.
We call this the solar revolution, and JC Solar and electrical are ready to provide Australians with solar panel installation, solar battery storage, LED lighting and energy efficient appliance upgrades to bring their energy bills down.By introducing some of our solar and energy efficiency products in your home, you can realise real savings on your energy bill and protect your family budget from the endless skyrocketing electricity prices. What’s more, you can feel great that you’re giving back to this great country by generating renewable energy.It’s easy to take back control. Stop relying on your energy providers and join us in solar revolution.
Victorian households are eligible to receive a rebate for installing a solar PV system if they meet the certain criteria.
Use the sun’s power capturedduring the day in the evening’s with a Battery energy storage system.
Use the sun’s power capturedduring the day in the evening’s with a Battery energy storage system.
Get the most out of your Solar system with a Solar battery.
es. All installations under 100kW (and systems with an annual electricity output of less than 250MWh) are eligible for Small-scale Technology Certificates, or STCs for short. You’re eligible for STCs whether you’ve previously accessed a rebate or not. It’s also not means-tested and is accessible by everyone. The solar PV system or product you purchase in order to receive STCs must adhere to the Clean Energy Council (CEC) design and install guidelines, only use panels and inverters on the CEC approved list, comply with the relevant standards (like AS 4777), and be installed by a CEC accredited installer. JC Solar and Electrical meets all these requirements. In addition to STCs, your state may offer an additional rebate or program. These rebates differ between regions, so it’s worthwhile investigating what solar rebates apply in your area
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