8%), 24 (1.2%), and 1883 (97%) cases, respectively. All MSI-H cases by NGS were MSI-H/dMMR by MSI-PCR and MMR IHC. Of the 24 borderline MSI cases by NGS, MSI-H/dMMR was 9 (37.5%) cases, MSS/dMMR was 1 (4.2%) case, and 11 (45.8%) of them had high TMB. All MSS cases by NGS were MSS/pMMR by MSI-PCR/IHC, and 257 (13.6%) had high TMB. With those arbitrary cut-off points, 10 (0.5%) MSS cases using NGS were discrepant with MSI-PCR or MMR IHC, and all were borderline MSI cases. The mean number of frameshift mutations was significantly highe