17 [1.04 to 1.49] per 1-SD increment), resting heart rate(1.34 [1.02 to 1.77] per 1-SD increment), diabetes mellitus (2.36 [1.17 to 4.76] ), hypertension (1.90 [1.03 to 3.50]), physical activity (0.67 [0.47 to 0.97] ), current smoking (4.23 [1.86 to 9.60] ), past smoking (2.08 [1.03 to 4.19] ), current light alcohol consumption (0.16 [0.04 to 0.64] ), and lipid-lowering therapy (0.47 [0.23 to 0.96] ) were independently associated with VPCs frequency. In conclusion, VPCs frequency was independently associated with age, height, resting hear