Your sectional roll-up garage door is composed of at least three hinged panels (usually steel, although some are wooden). Occasionally one of the panels may be damaged by a vehicle — crrrrunnnch!!! Or weather, wind, and age may take their toll. If a panel or two of your home’s garage door ends up looking less than its best, what should you do? Is it preferable to opt for garage door repair, or just replace the whole thing?
Age Of Your Door
Your decision will depend in part on the age of your door. The typical garage door life expectancy is 20-25 years. If yours is only, say, 10 years old, you may lean toward simply repairing the panel. However, unless you find a used piece for sale, you might have a hard time purchasing a single panel for an older door, What’s more, changes in your door’s appearance due to weather exposure will tend to make matching even more difficult (although painting is a possibility).
The determining factor in your decision could well be the fact that garage door safety and energy-efficiency have been updated in recent years, with features like electronic eye sensors, pinch-resistant doors, automatic reversing mechanisms, and high-quality insulation. Planning to sell?
Cause Of The Damage
Another factor is the cause of the damage. Normal wear and tear can produce minor cosmetic blemishes such as small scratches, dents, rust patches, cracks, or warps. Consult with a professional to assess the seriousness and see whether the problem is confined to just one of the panels. If so, it may be possible to repair your garage door panel with wood filler, paint, and/or a strut.
On the other hand, if the door was struck by a car, someone tried to use the automatic opener when the door was locked, or your garage was hit by a hurricane or earthquake, the damage may affect much more than the individual panel and could threaten the safety of anyone using your garage. Essential mechanisms including the struts, track, spring, or opener may have been compromised, even if the damage is not apparent.
Cost To Repair Or Replace
Panel repair is one of the more expensive garage door fixes. The cost to repair your garage door panel is likely to depend on the serviceperson’s hourly rate. One hour’s wages is the usual minimum charge, plus any materials, of course. Installation of a new panel starts at $250 for the simplest 9′ panel, up to a high of $700 or more for a more elaborate 16′ panel. Compare this to garage door replacement cost which, including labor and supplies will run you about $1000. Check what is covered by your warranty, get price estimates, and decide which solution is the most cost-effective.
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