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The Wolverine healing protocol
Most people have heard of the X-Men Mutant known as Wolverine. One of his amazing powers is the ability to heal from virtually any amount of damage at an incredibly fast rate. We may not be able to attain the speed and completeness of the healing capacity of this fictional character, but we can dramatically speed up and enhance our natural healing abilities. That is exactly what The Wolverine Healing Protocol is designed to do.

The Wolverine Healing Protocol was developed by Dr. MacCloud over the course of 45+ years of clinical practice and 50+ years of studying health, nutrition, fitness, alternative, and progressive medicine. It can be applied to virtually any health condition or situation, although it was first developed to address musculoskeletal injuries and chronic joint pain.

Musculoskeletal injuries and pain have been the foundation of Dr. MacCloud’s practice for decades as he realized that if you didn’t get people out of pain and able to move and exercise, none of the other interventions would work well.

First, we will provide an overview of the Wolverine Healing Protocol as applied to musculoskeletal injuries and chronic joint pain and degeneration. After that there will be a more general discussion with examples of how this protocol would be applied to enhance overall health and wellbeing.