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Dreams — in the topic you can find out what types of dreams there are.
When we talk about sleep disorders, we most often mean insomnia, night terrors, talking in a dream or gnashing teeth, sleepwalking, associated mainly with funny scenes from comedy films. However, sleep disorders can be extremely dangerous not only for ourselves, but also for the environment.
Often people do not realize that they are victims of one of the parasomnia either because they either do not remember what they did in a dream until they find a specific witness, or they begin to see a mental disorder. Sleep disorders, contrary to appearance, are very common, usually with mild symptoms. Probably, more than one person has experienced toothache and severe tension of the jaw muscles after waking up. This is nothing but a type of bruxism, which we most often associate with gnashing teeth and which is directly related to living under stress. There are many such disorders, but today we will present the most dangerous and amazing of them.
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The disorder is extremely common in children, but also in adults. This is when a person talks in a dream, and if in children it is a consequence of the emotions and experiences of the previous day, then in adults it is most often a symptom of stress or neurosis. Most often, a person in a dream speaks briefly, but in a more neglected state, a person with drowsiness can start a completely logical dialogue and even start arguing. In extreme cases, deep secrets can be revealed.
Sleeping beauty syndrome.
Kleine-Levine syndrome is the most common sleep disorder among adolescent boys, which does not change the fact that girls in adolescence often become its victims. A very interesting parasomnia, which usually does not require treatment and passes spontaneously after a while. It is based on an increased need for sleep. The record holders could sleep for 20-30 hours without a break. Usually, people suffering from this syndrome are characterized by irritability in the waking state and hunger attacks after waking up. Often people with sleeping beauty syndrome feel strong sexual arousal and tension after waking up.

Сны — в теме можете узнать, какие бывают виды снов. - 7 Ноября 2022 - Антина Анта - лучший блог в Интернете - Антина Анта - мой взгляд

Когда мы говорим о нарушениях сна, чаще всего подразумеваем бессонницу, ночные страхи, разговоры во сне или скрежетание зубами, лунатизм, связанный в