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In OnPrava legal rights of category A.
Our organization helps to officially obtain a driver's license through channels in the traffic police for citizens of any region. We are not interested in the reasons why you order a driver's license.
We help citizens both with the initial receipt of a driver's license, and experienced drivers who are threatened with deprivation.
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Reasons for buying rights.
Lack of time, effort, resources is a very common reason why our clients turn to us and this is not surprising: in order to get a driver's license, you will need:
• Choose a high-quality reliable accredited driving school with normal training conditions;
• Complete a full course of study, attending classes, combining with work and personal life. Very often this is a problem.
• Independently undergo a medical examination;
• Collect additional documents;
• Pass exams, which often require additional funds in the form of bribes to teachers, which, unfortunately, is considered the norm in our country;
And only after all the above conditions do you become a happy owner of a driver's license. For a person who has a lot of time, these conditions will not be difficult, but there is still a risk that the inspector will send for retake when passing the city, as he wants to receive a monetary reward for a successful exam. The price can be different and varies depending on the greed of the inspector, since he himself is at risk. The price will be unaffordable and you usually have to pay immediately, and there are no guarantees that there will be a successful score.
In order to issue you a driver's license, we first of all clarify the availability of a driving school, since this is half the distance traveled before obtaining a driver's license. Without a driving school, you can't immediately pass for a license right now. If there is a driving school, the driver's license is done faster: our employees in the examination department of the traffic police put down exams, the medical center makes a medical certificate, later the inspector issues a driver's license, which is already entered in the database and is completely official.
If there is no driving school, then we first add the client to the list of students of the driving school retroactively, as if the person really has completed the prescribed period, then the driving school issues a certificate of the driver's profession, and only then the package of documents goes to the examination department of the traffic police for further registration of a driver's license.
The second reason why people try to buy a license is if they have been deprived of their driver's license. No one is immune from this trouble, and it can happen completely unexpectedly. In this case, you also have no choice but to buy a license, and it's better to do it with us, where the legality and quality of the certificate is guaranteed. This will be much faster than officially suing for the fact that you were deprived of your driver's license illegally.

Купить категорию А на мотоцикл 28000 руб. за 3 дня + автошкола

Купить права категории А на мотоцикл предлагает компания on-prava, данный документ будет проходить по базе ГИБДД, к нему прилагается свидетельство об окончании автошколы. Доставка производится почтой к любой регион России. Оформление мотоциклетных пр